Position Indicators
The Motrona range of position indicators is a variant of the Motrona display units. They are position indicators for SSI absolute encoders and absolute measuring systems. They are a cost-effective solution for displaying, recording, calculating or controlling variables such as lengths, times or numbers of units in automation and instrumentation in industrial.
touchMATRIX® SSI Indicator for Absolute Encoders IX350:
Short description on IX350: The IX350 is a position indicator for absolute encoders with resistive touchscreen technology and multi-color graphic display , red, green and yellow. It indicates digital signals from incremental encoders or sensors.
touchMATRIX® SSI Indicator for Absolute Encoders IX350 Options:
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Short description on IX350 Options: The IX350 touchMATRIX® position indicator is available with various individual configuration options.
touchMATRIX® SSI Indicator for Absolute Encoders IX355:
Short description on IX355: The IX355 position indicator is a high-end version with wire break monitoring of the SSI data line (except SSI clock). It includes a switchable encoder supply of 5 / 24 VDC. Can only be used as SSI master. All other features are the same as the IX350 position indicator.
touchMATRIX® SSI Indicators IX355 Options:
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Short description on IX355 Options: The IX355 touchMATRIX® position indicator is available with various individual configuration options.
touchMATRIX® Indicator for transonic distance measurement DP350:
Short description on DP350: The DP350 position indicator is used in applications where absolute transducers and magnetostrictive sensors are used. Through its start-stop interface, the DP350 position indicator serves the transonic distance measurement. It also has a resistive touchscreen with multi-colored graphic display, red, green and yellow.
Visit Motrona Safety, Motion, Control and Interface for more information